  • Elena Ciupercă
    Elena Ciupercă
    Cluj Napoca City Hall
    It was 3 days full of new things that learnt about PB process. I realized that this process it is very important for our communities, and I'm very happy for being here with this amazing people. Thank you all for sharing the ideas with us.
  • Oana Almăsan
    Oana Almăsan
    participatory budgeting expert, ASU
    This has been a great experence seeing how much attention youth are going to get set so much energy, good energy getting set for great projects! I'm looking forward to helping all these projects get life and I'll enjoy it every step of the way!
  • Örs Szokolay
    Örs Szokolay
    urban planning expert
    I hope this about to change the world would leave us to the next level of democracy. Some years from now, finishing this project members of this wonderful community will realise that the future has started... Go on Com'On!