Citizen Y Resources
Participatory Budgeting for Youth
- White Paper on Participatory Budgeting for Youth in Europe Language EnglishThe White Paper on Participatory Budgeting for Youth in Europe is a framework document created in the context of the initiative and strategic effort called COM’ON Europe - European Platform of Participatory Budgeting for Youth. Its role is to offer support and guidelines for any city that wishes to implement a PBY process.Category Participatory Budgeting for Youth
- Toolkit For Delivering Participatory Budgeting For Youth In Cities - Addition To The White PaperLanguage EnglishThe Toolkit for Delivering Participatory Budgeting for Youth in Cities is a collection of practical tools and methods which enforce different stages of a participatory budgeting process. Each of the tools can be used separately, but most importantly it can be adapted to any local process based on the current need of that endeavour. While each tool can be of use individually, combining various tools and using them in an integrated manner can provide a significant enhancement of any local PBY process. Tools are either self-developed ones during the implementation of local processes in the 7 cities which partnered for Com’ON Europe, our already renown ones but which also enforce a local participatory effort.Category Participatory Budgeting for YouthSource/Project Com'ON Europe
- White Paper on Participatory Budgeting for Youth in Europe - Romanian versionLanguage RomanianThe White Paper on Participatory Budgeting for Youth in Europe is a framework document created in the context of the initiative and strategic effort called COM’ON Europe - European Platform of Participatory Budgeting for Youth. Its role is to offer support and guidelines for any city that wishes to implement a PBY process.Category Participatory Budgeting for Youth
- Instrumente pentru organizarea bugetării participative de tineret în orașeLanguage RomanianSetul de instrumente pentru organizarea bugetării participative de tineret din orașe este o colecție de instrumente și metode practice care pot fi folosite în diferite etape ale unui proces de bugetare participativă. Fiecare dintre instrumente poate fi utilizat separat, totodată poate fi adaptat la orice proces local bazat pe nevoia actuală a efortului respectiv.Category Participatory Budgeting for YouthSource/Project Com'ON Europe
- White Paper on Participatory Budgeting for Youth in Europe - Portugese versionLanguage PortugeseThe White Paper on Participatory Budgeting for Youth in Europe is a framework document created in the context of the initiative and strategic effort called COM’ON Europe - European Platform of Participatory Budgeting for Youth. Its role is to offer support and guidelines for any city that wishes to implement a PBY process.Category Participatory Budgeting for Youth
- Toolkit para o desenvolvimento de orçamentos participativos jovem de base localLanguage PortugeseEste toolkit é constuido por um conjunto de metodologias que visam o desenvolvimento de projetos de Orçamento Participativo Jovem por via de um processo com diferentes etapas. Cada uma destas metodologias pode ser utilizada separadamente, podendo ser adaptadas a qualquer processo local tendo por base as necessidades atuais.Category Participatory Budgeting for YouthSource/Project Com'ON Europe
- White Paper on Participatory Budgeting for Youth in Europe - Italian versionLanguage ItalianThe White Paper on Participatory Budgeting for Youth in Europe is a framework document created in the context of the initiative and strategic effort called COM’ON Europe - European Platform of Participatory Budgeting for Youth. Its role is to offer support and guidelines for any city that wishes to implement a PBY process.Category Participatory Budgeting for Youth
- Toolkit per la realizzazione di azioni di bilancio partecipativo per i giovani in cittàLanguage ItalianIl Toolkit per la realizzazione di budget partecipativi per i giovani nelle città è una raccolta di strumenti e metodi pratici che compongono le diverse fasi di un processo di budget partecipativo. Ciascuno degli strumenti può essere utilizzato separatamente, ma soprattutto può essere adattato a qualsiasi processo locale in base alla reale necessità.Category Participatory Budgeting for YouthSource/Project Com'ON Europe
- White Paper on Participatory Budgeting for Youth in Europe - Greek versionLanguage GreekThe White Paper on Participatory Budgeting for Youth in Europe is a framework document created in the context of the initiative and strategic effort called COM’ON Europe - European Platform of Participatory Budgeting for Youth. Its role is to offer support and guidelines for any city that wishes to implement a PBY process.Category Participatory Budgeting for Youth
- Εργαλειοθηκη για την υποστηριξη συμμετοχικων προϋπολογισμων για τη νεολαια στισ πολεισLanguage GreekΗ Εργαλειοθήκη για την υλοποίηση του Συμμετοχικού Προϋπολογισμού για την Νεολαία σε Πόλεις είναι μία συλλογή από πρακτικά εργαλεία και μεθόδους για την εφαρμογή των διαφορετικών σταδίων της διαδικασίας του συμμετοχικού προϋπολογισμού. Κάθε ένα από τα εργαλεία μπορεί να χρησιμοποιηθεί χωριστά, αλλά, πάνω από όλα, μπορεί να προσαρμοστεί σε οποιαδήποτε τοπική διαδικασία βάσει των τρεχόντων αναγκών αυτού του εγχειρήματος.Category Participatory Budgeting for YouthSource/Project Com'ON Europe
- White Paper on Participatory Budgeting for Youth in Europe - Bulgarian versionLanguage BulgarianThe White Paper on Participatory Budgeting for Youth in Europe is a framework document created in the context of the initiative and strategic effort called COM’ON Europe - European Platform of Participatory Budgeting for Youth. Its role is to offer support and guidelines for any city that wishes to implement a PBY process.Category Participatory Budgeting for Youth
- Ръководство за провеждане на младежко участие в процесите по бюджетиране в градоветеLanguage BulgarianИзготвянето на това ръководство е съвкупност от практически инструменти и методи, които се прилагат на различни етапи от процеса на обществено участие при формиране на бюджети. Всеки от инструментите може да се използва отделно, но най-важното е, че той може да бъде адаптиран към всеки локален процес въз основа на текущата нужда.Category Participatory Budgeting for YouthSource/Project Com'ON Europe
- White Paper on Participatory Budgeting for Youth in Europe - Hungarian versionLanguage HungarianThe White Paper on Participatory Budgeting for Youth in Europe is a framework document created in the context of the initiative and strategic effort called COM’ON Europe - European Platform of Participatory Budgeting for Youth. Its role is to offer support and guidelines for any city that wishes to implement a PBY process.Category Participatory Budgeting for Youth
- A városi ifjúsági részvételi költségvetés lebonyolításához szükséges eszköztárLanguage HungarianA városi ifjúsági részvételi költségvetés lebonyolításához szükséges Eszköztár egy gyakorlati eszközökből és módszerekből álló gyűjtemény, amely a részvételi költségvetés folyamatának különböző szakaszait alakítja ki. Minden eszköz felhasználható külön, illetve bármelyik helyi folyamatba beilleszthető szükség szerint.Category Participatory Budgeting for YouthSource/Project Com'ON Europe
- Az ifjúsági részvételi költségvetés éves tevékenységi terve - Kolozsvár, 2019Language HungarianCategory Participatory Budgeting for YouthSource/Project Com'ON Europe
- Bugetare participativă de tineret - Plan de acțiune anuală – Cluj-Napoca, 2019Language RomanianCategory Participatory Budgeting for YouthSource/Project Com'ON Europe
- Budget partecipato per i giovani - piano locale – Torino, 2019Language ItalianCategory Participatory Budgeting for YouthSource/Project Com'ON Europe
- Συμμετοχικοσ προϋπολογισμοσ για τη νεολαια - ετησιο σχεδιο δρασησ – Θεσσαλονίκη, 2019Language GreekCategory Participatory Budgeting for YouthSource/Project Com'ON Europe
- Participatory Budgeting for Youth - Annual action plan – Cascais, 2019Language PortugeseCategory Participatory Budgeting for YouthSource/Project Com'ON Europe
- Participatory Budgeting for Youth - Annual action plan – Braga, 2019Language PortugeseCategory Participatory Budgeting for YouthSource/Project Com'ON Europe
- Участие във формирането на обществени бюджети - Годишен работен план - Варна, 2019Language BulgarianCategory Participatory Budgeting for YouthSource/Project Com'ON Europe
Youth Capitals
- 11 Questions on National and Regional Youth Capitals in Europe and the WorldLanguage EnglishThis framework and guideline created in the context of the project called National Youth Capitals in Eastern Europe presents 11 essential questions that every city considering to apply for the European Youth Capital title should address.Category Youth Capitals -> ToolkitSource/Project Com'ON Romania
- Romanian Youth Capital - Legacy programme of CLUJ-NAPOCA EUROPEAN YOUTH CAPITAL 2015Language EnglishThis presentation gives an overview about the youth programmes created in the context of applying for the title of Romanian Youth Capital, a national program based on the European Youth Capital title.Category Youth CapitalsSource/Project Com'ON Europe
- Report - European Youth Capital 2014 - ThessalonikiLanguage EnglishIn 2011 the Municipality of Thessaloniki, together with the young people and the city’s youth organisations submitted, in a particularly difficult socioeconomic environment, an application for the European Youth Capital 2014 title. This report gives insights about the application, the winning of the title and the results of this programme.Category Youth CapitalsSource/Project Com'ON Europe
- Romanian Youth Capital - PresentationLanguage EnglishThe institution of the title "Youth Capital of Romania" follows similar principles to those of the title of "European Youth Capital", a title managed by the European Youth Forum, whose member is also the Youth Council of Romania. The title "Youth Capital of Romania" wants to provide a unique opportunity for cities in the country to transform their visions into concrete development projects with the active participation of young people.Category Youth CapitalsSource/Project Youth Capital of Romania
European Youth Forum
- European Youth Capitals - Ten Years of Boosting Vibrant Youthful CitiesLanguage EnglishThis report on the impact of the European Youth Capital title on the cities and their young people builds upon the desk review of the existing relevant documents, dedicated online survey, 39 interviews and 8 focus groups with 49 participants. It offers testimonies of people that have been able to witness their cities changing thanks to the title and provides concrete examples of benefits that it has brought to them.Category European Youth Forum